Welcome To The Centered Man Brotherhood
Spirituality. Masculinity. Relationships.
CMB Is a private community of like-minded successful men who are working to improve themselves, connect to their mission, and support each other to center themselves and become their best selves.
Learn the tips and secrets to own the room, create presence and confer confidence, so you can live an extraordinary life, and effortlessly create connections.

Join our growing, exclusive and totally private Facebook community where you can access monthly live coaching calls with our brotherhood, get your questions answered, and get accountability to create massive transformation.
In Fraternitate Virtus - In Brotherhood There is Strength
Here's what we’ll discuss on the call itself:
- Show you the hidden cause of failure and frustration with women (not what you think)
- Reveal the #1 trait of men who are irresistible to women (no, it’s not confidence)
- Lay out an exact roadmap to become the kind of guy that women feel connected with, want to date, want to have sex with, and want to be in a relationship with
And if you want my help to deploy this system to make sure you get it right the first time and start seeing results asap, we can talk about how to make that happen. If not, that’s cool too.
Either way, by the time we’re done with this call, you’re going to have a crystal clear path to find your mission, tap into radical self-confidence, feel on fire again and finally meet ‘the one’…
There is NO charge for this call. It's absolutely FREE.
Get my flagship book ‘the Jolt’, my total all in one confidence system for just $7.